
Conscious Self-Empowerment

Conscious Self-Empowerment for Young People

My name is Lorraine Crookes, I am a sexual energy practitioner and educator and best known as The Sexual Empowerment Liberator, I give voice visibility and connect to sexual energy and as an expert in my field, I have transformed the lives of people struggling with poor mental health, challenging relationships, body trauma, abuse, medical conditions, and sexuality.

Empowering young people to live a safe, fulfilling, and healthy life is part of the vision.  I want society to finally drop the judgement, fear and shame around sex and sexual energy. I have supported hundreds of adults suffering from poor mental health, challenging or toxic relationships, body trauma, sexual abuse, related medical conditions, and many other challenges. All of which are as a result of fear, shame, poor interpersonal skills, or a general lack of good sex education.  This should not be part of today’s world.

I am deeply passionate about empowering young people to have conscious, confident, and connected relationships with themselves and others. I want to empower young people to be skilled in conscious communication, have a deep understanding around intimacy, sex and relationships, and enjoy sex as a natural and healthy part of adult life.

I have a background in teaching health, social care and wellbeing. For over two decades I taught in secondary education, eight years as a middle leader. Within my career roles I delivered many aspects of sex education and I am aware of the challenges schools and young people face around sex education.

With this knowledge, backed by my own personal journey of challenges around sex, sexuality and conscious sexual energy, I now empower others to have healthier relationships with themselves and others.

Through my work I have become an international speaker, International best-selling author, and an expert in my field; empowering thousands of adults struggling with their sexual energy.

The ‘Conscious Self-Empowerment Programme’ supports young people in conscious communication, intimacy and relationships. It is made up of three modules that take an educational, interactive, fun, and honest approach to sex education.

The programme empowers young people though open conversations, non-invasive interactive experiences, and proactive opportunities to explore and ask questions in a safe and supported way.

If you would like to know more please see visit the website or contact me for details: